Po krótkim artykule w lokalnej gazecie na temat jednej z wystrojonych ulic, sama wybrałam się na poszukiwanie najbardziej okazałych ozdób. Szybko zauważyłam, że w centrum miasta nie przykład się do tego większej wagi, ale to co dzieje się na przedmieściach to istne szaleństwo. Mega pozytywne oczywiście.
I tak oto trafiłam na Orionstraat, a także pochodziłam po tamtejszej okolicy, gdzie dosłownie każdy dom jest wystrojony, a łopoczące na wietrze flagi zawieszone między domami wywołują dreszcze:

A poniżej to już samo centrum - dość ubogo zalane pomarańczową falą. Trafiłam jedynie na parę flag, piłki czy tematyczne metki w sklepie. Przedmieścia wymiatają! :D

Pomarańczowo pozdrawiam,
Yesterday evening everybody in the Netherlands experienced great euphoria after their national team won against Australia in the football World Cup. We'll see soon how they will end the championship. However, I know that the whole country could become world champions in decorating their houses.
After a brief article in our local newspaper about one of the decorated streets, I decided to look for the most impressive ornaments myself. I quickly noticed that the city centre is't a good example for that. There are, though, crazy things going on in the suburbs. Crazy in a positive way, of course.
After a little while, I found Orionstraat, and explored nearby area, where literally every house is decorated. Those flapping flags in the wind just make you shudder.
The three very last photos show decorations in the city centre, which as you can see are very poor - some flags and thematic labels in the shop. Yay for the suburbs! :)
Karolina xxx
After a brief article in our local newspaper about one of the decorated streets, I decided to look for the most impressive ornaments myself. I quickly noticed that the city centre is't a good example for that. There are, though, crazy things going on in the suburbs. Crazy in a positive way, of course.
After a little while, I found Orionstraat, and explored nearby area, where literally every house is decorated. Those flapping flags in the wind just make you shudder.
The three very last photos show decorations in the city centre, which as you can see are very poor - some flags and thematic labels in the shop. Yay for the suburbs! :)
Karolina xxx
istne szaleństwo! :D
ReplyDeleteoj tak :)
DeleteSzaleństwo, ale jakie pozytywne! ;)
ReplyDeleteChomiczki rządzą ^^