Każdy z nas ma swoje granice, w których czuje się bezpiecznie - codziennie wydeptywane ścieżki, rutyna, jakieś nawyki. I właśnie brak zmian tworzy naszą strefę komfortu. Ja też takową mam i postanowiłam wystawić ją na próbę - udałam się na parę dni do Brukseli. Zupełnie sama. Było to dla mnie nielada wyzywanie, któremu podołałam. I czuję ogromną satysfakcję z tego powodu.
Strefę komfortu powinniśmy małymi kroczkami rozszerzać. A wiecie dlaczego? Bo nasze marzenia, rozwój leżą poza naszą strefą komfortu. Musimy podejmować wyzwania, mierzyć się ze swoimi lękami, by doświadczać ciekawych rzeczy i osiągnąć poczucie spełnienia.
Ja mam zamiar pracować nad moją strefą komfortu, bo chcę ograniczyć monotonię codzienności, poznawać świat i się rozwijać. Takie przełamywanie siebie jest chyba niezbędne do uczynienia naszego życia ciekawym, o czym często zapominamy w zderzeniu z rutyną. A wy? Pracujecie nad swoją strefą komfortu? Macie jakieś ciekawe sposoby?
Gorąco pozdrawiam,

Hello! There are so many things going on in my life lately! Don't worry, I'm about to tell you everything very soon. Before that though, I'd like to talk about the comfort zone as a kind of an introduction because it is something really connected with my recent adventures.
All of us has their own limits in which we feel safe - our daily routines and habits. This lack of change forms out comfort zone. However, I decided to expand my zone a bit and went for a few days to Brussels. Completely on my own! It was a big challenge for me which I fulfiled and I'm really proud of the result.
We should work on our comfort zone step by step. Why? Because our dreams and development are outside our comfort zone. We need to take those challenges, deal with our fears to experience exciting things and to achieve fulfilment.
I'm going to work on my comfort zone much more these days because I want to reduce the monotony of my daily life, explore the world and develop myself. Those actions are probably necessary to make our life interesting. And you? Are you trying to expand your comfort zone? Have you any interesting ways to do so?
Karolina x
All of us has their own limits in which we feel safe - our daily routines and habits. This lack of change forms out comfort zone. However, I decided to expand my zone a bit and went for a few days to Brussels. Completely on my own! It was a big challenge for me which I fulfiled and I'm really proud of the result.
We should work on our comfort zone step by step. Why? Because our dreams and development are outside our comfort zone. We need to take those challenges, deal with our fears to experience exciting things and to achieve fulfilment.
I'm going to work on my comfort zone much more these days because I want to reduce the monotony of my daily life, explore the world and develop myself. Those actions are probably necessary to make our life interesting. And you? Are you trying to expand your comfort zone? Have you any interesting ways to do so?
Karolina x
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