I tak miksuję:
- pół szklanki wody (zwykłej albo kokosowej)
- 1 banan
- łyżeczkę nasion chia
- sok z połowy cytryny
- 1/3 pęczka pietruszki
Koktajl ten zagościł na stałe w mojej kuchni i jeszcze na długo w niej pozostanie. Jako, że staram się żyć coraz zdrowiej, to z pewnością przybliża mnie on do celu. A teraz chwytajcie blendery i miksujcie, bo o zdrowe ciało i umysł trzeba zadbać! :)
Pozdrawiam zielono,

"I've never thought I will drink parsley from traditional Polish broth" - I thought when I was half way through my very first glass of green parsley smoothie. When the skeptical phase passed, I became totally fascinated by the Shrek's drink. And I've already kept on drinking it for a couple of weeks.
So I mix:
This smoothie is permanently in my kitchen and will remain for quite long time . As I try to be more healthy, it certainly brings me forward to my goal. Now grab you blenders and mix something because it's you who has to take care of your healthy body and mind! :)
Green cheerio,
Karolina x
So I mix:
- half a glass of water (tap or coconut) < / li>
- 1 banana < / li>
- a teaspoon of chia seeds < / li>
- juice from half a lemon < / li>
- one third of parsley bunch < / li>
This smoothie is permanently in my kitchen and will remain for quite long time . As I try to be more healthy, it certainly brings me forward to my goal. Now grab you blenders and mix something because it's you who has to take care of your healthy body and mind! :)
Green cheerio,
Karolina x
Wygląda bardzo zdrowo :D i całkiem smacznie :D Ja popijam wodę z cytryną, ale kto wie - może kiedyś skuszę się na taki koktajl :D