To właśnie dlatego, chcę wypróbować ideę jednego dnia w tygodniu, który spędzamy offline, czyli odłączeni od Internetu na całe 24 godziny. Wszelki czas wolny danego dnia, spędzamy w sposób analogowy, tak jak za czasów, gdy dinozaury królowały na Ziemi.
Moimi testowymi dniami wolnym od komputera będą cztery kolejne poniedziałki. Pierwszy taki dzień już za kilkanaście godzin, a ja jestem dość podekscytowana. Snuję plany, że cały dzień przeznaczę na czytanie, przejażdżkę rowerową czy gotowanie czegoś odlotowego.
Mam nadzieję, że mój mały eksperyment pozwoli mi prawdziwie odpocząć i przez to poprawi moją produktywność pracy w inne dni tygodnia.
Jak będzie? Zobaczymy! A póki co jestem ciekawa, czy robicie sobie takie dni offline i jak na was wpływają. Zapraszam do dzielenia się waszymi historiami w komentarzach!

I love spending my free time using the Internet. It's a great tool both for entertainment and learning.
I don't think I'm somehow hooked on it because I can whole holidays being totally disconnect from the virtual world and other technological goods. The obstacle begins in my everyday life when I surf Internet every day.
That's why I want to try out the idea of spending one day a week offline, totally disconnected from the Internet for 24 hours. Any free time that day I will spend in an offline way, like in the times when dinosaurs ruled the Earth.
My experiment will last for four following Mondays. I'm about to start first such a day in several hours and I'm pretty excited. I've already made some plans that I will spend whole day reading, cycling or cooking something extraordinary.
I really hope that my small test will help me to truly relax and improve my productivity on the rest of the week.
How it will go? We'll see! In the meantime I'm wondering if you're doing such days offline, and how they affect you. Feel free to share your stories in the comments below!
Karolina x
That's why I want to try out the idea of spending one day a week offline, totally disconnected from the Internet for 24 hours. Any free time that day I will spend in an offline way, like in the times when dinosaurs ruled the Earth.
My experiment will last for four following Mondays. I'm about to start first such a day in several hours and I'm pretty excited. I've already made some plans that I will spend whole day reading, cycling or cooking something extraordinary.
I really hope that my small test will help me to truly relax and improve my productivity on the rest of the week.
How it will go? We'll see! In the meantime I'm wondering if you're doing such days offline, and how they affect you. Feel free to share your stories in the comments below!
Karolina x
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