Miano najfajniejszym wydarzenia zeszłego miesiąca bezapelacyjnie uzyskuje mój wypad do Keukenhof. Słoneczny dzień, chilloutowy nastrój i armia tulipanów sprawiły, że moja ogrodnicza miłość zakwitła i już tylko planuję te wszystkie rabaty, grządki i zielniki.

Połowę kwietnia spędziłam w Polsce, odwiedzając rodzinę i zajadając się wielkanocnymi łakociami.

Wakacje w Polsce nie byłby udane bez zobaczenia się z moimi przyjaciółkami. Podczas jednego z takich babskich wieczorów, urządziłyśmy sobie wspólne gotowanie. I wiecie co, wtedy to odkryłam sekret kuchni chińskiej, ha!

Niech was jednak pozory nie mylą, oprócz pysznego jedzenia, miałam też w kwietniu do czynienia z kinem. I to dwa razy. Mam słabość do kina akcji, także zarówno na Kapitanie jak i Spider-Manie bawiłam się świetnie.

Gorąco pozdrawiam,
I feel that the quicker time flies this year, the less is going on in my life. However, I know in my bones that the situation will change very soon and I will still have a chance to some cool things. Something happened in April though so let me sum it up quickly.
First of all, the coolest event that happened last month was my trip to Keukenhof . It was a brilliant day - I had lovely weather, relaxed attitude and I saw loads of tulips. Those circumstances made my gardening passion blossom and I keep on planing all those flowerbeds I will have one day.
Moreover, I spent two weeks of April in Poland, visiting family and eating some Easter treats. Holidays in Poland wouldn't be successful without seeing with my dear friends. During one of those girlish evenings, we had a girls' night cooking party . And guess what, I discovered the secret of Chinese cuisine that day, yay me!
Except eating literally heaps of delicious food, I also dipped in culture a bit when I went to the cinema. Twice. I'm not sure if you know but I adore action films so watching both Captain America and Spider-Man was great fun for me.
Karolina x
First of all, the coolest event that happened last month was my trip to Keukenhof . It was a brilliant day - I had lovely weather, relaxed attitude and I saw loads of tulips. Those circumstances made my gardening passion blossom and I keep on planing all those flowerbeds I will have one day.
Moreover, I spent two weeks of April in Poland, visiting family and eating some Easter treats. Holidays in Poland wouldn't be successful without seeing with my dear friends. During one of those girlish evenings, we had a girls' night cooking party . And guess what, I discovered the secret of Chinese cuisine that day, yay me!
Except eating literally heaps of delicious food, I also dipped in culture a bit when I went to the cinema. Twice. I'm not sure if you know but I adore action films so watching both Captain America and Spider-Man was great fun for me.
Karolina x
Chińska kuchnia <3
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